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New Gallery!

Jeremy Clegg

I have just uploaded a new photo gallery about the South Shore of Massachusetts. This is a project I have been working on for the past month or so. Seeing as one of the jobs I would like to try is Travel Photography. This would require me to be able to capture the mood of a location, so I set myself out the task of getting shots of the coastline of Scituate to Plymouth. I would say that I am delighted to be finally done, but I expect I will put in more work on this seeing as I need more popular subjects as opposed to sunset filled beach scenes. The issues I ran into besides the weather, is dealing with private property and traffic. You would think that I could just wait for a car to move or arrange to be in location before cars showed up. Unfortunately, it did not really work out that way. A lot of it due to badly placed telephone lines, cars pulling up right in front of me...more than once, and the weather. But never mind about that. I will endeavor to get some touristy shots in the future. This was more of an experiment and I am happy with the results. Most of these pictures were taken while on excursions with the Plymouth Digital Photographers Club and me driving to remote (and not so remote) locations with my new(ish) car. But for now, enjoy.

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